Saturday, August 30, 2014


Absences are a reality in high school music.  I have now put every music lesson for Unit 1 on educreations so you can view the lesson, even if you missed that day!

Here is the link to lesson 2 if you missed it.

Click here

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Audio Post

I used Audacity and Podbean to create the following file.

It is a recording of my favorite poem by William Wordsworth with a beautiful piece of music in the background.  Yirumi River Flows in You.


Click here

Genius Hour...the Soundtrack of your life

Create the Soundtrack of your life…

State Standard discussed during this lesson:
Responding to, Analyzing, and Making Judgments About Works of Music
Students critically assess and derive meaning from works of music and the performance of musicians according to the elements of music, aesthetic qualities, and human responses.
Analyze and Critically Assess
  • 4.1 Develop specific criteria for making informed critical evaluations of the quality and effectiveness of performances, compositions, arrangements, and improvisations and apply those criteria in personal participation in music.
  • 4.2 Evaluate a performance, composition, arrangement, or improvisation by comparing each with an exemplary model.
Derive Meaning
  • 4.3 Explain how people in a particular culture use and respond to specific musical works from that culture.
  • 4.4 Describe the means used to create images or evoke feelings and emotions in musical works from various cultures.


We have learned about the power of music and its ability to affect those who listen.  This is something we see if we attend the movies.  Music has the ability to add to the scene, and cause the movie-goer to feel and intensifies an emotion.  This was evident in our last lesson where we took a scary scene from a movie and changed the music to the scene.  It was obvious that the entire scene was changed when we did this.
In this assignment you are asked to consider your own life. What if your life were a movie?  If this were true you would need to have a soundtrack of music that would be played during scenes of your life.  First you will identify five ‘scenes’ in your life.  These scenes would be important to you.  Some ideas may be:
First kiss
A traumatic event like the death of a loved one
Cherished memory

Hard time
Scary event
Suspenseful moment

You do NOT need to share the event fully, but only give a brief overview of the feeling you’re expressing.  For example, you would say, event one was a very sad day.

Next, you need to think about the feelings you had during this event.  While you are considering this event you will discover a piece of music that represents this emotion.  For example, if your emotion is excited, you would find a piece of music that would appropriately play during this scene, adequately expressing this emotion to the movie-goer.
You will do this for all five scenes in your life movie.

You will submit your assignment in the comments section of this blog.  You will list each scene, the emotion expressed, and a link to the youtube video of this song. You will also describe WHY this song choice is appropriate for your scene.

For this assignment you will utilize youtube.  Youtube has a large resource of classical music. 

Song Choices:
This assignment requires you to expand your musical choices.  You will not be allowed to choose any popular music.  You must select from the list of the hundreds of classical pieces we have on page 678 in our music history textbook.  Many of these pieces we have listened to and discussed already this year during our listening discussions.
For example, if your emotion is lost love you may choose the song ‘Claire de Lune’ by Debussy instead of ‘Say Something’ by Great Big World.
Five scene choices and description of each 10 pts (2 pts each)
Five songs associated with the movie scene 10 pts (2 pts each)

Description of the reason for your selection 10 pts (2pts each)

Important Links

Alfred Theory Log In

School Website


Listening Assignment

Listening Assignment

Listening Assignment 
Due Thursday May 2nd
                This month we will listen to music from the Baroque period.  We will do two listening segments during class and you will be responsible to listen to a third assignment on your own time, outside of class.  If you do not have access to a computer at home, you may use the computers in the library or computer labs. You may also borrow the music from the city library to listen to on CD. If you are absent for any in class listening segments you are responsible for making these up in your own time.  You may look any of these listening segments up on youtube, or contact me for information about how to make up the segment.
                In Class Listening #1:  Bach Toccata and Fugue
                In Class Listening #2: Handel Watermusic 

                At Home Listening: Vivaldi "Summer" 

                This month we will listen to music from the Classical period.  We will do two listening segments during class and you will be responsible to listen to a third assignment on your own time, outside of class.  If you do not have access to a computer at home, you may use the computers in the library or computer labs. If you are absent for any in class listening segments you are responsible for making these up in your own time.  You may look any of these listening segments up on youtube, or contact me for information about how to make up the segment.

                In Class Listening #1:  Mozart Piano Concerto in C
                In Class Listening #2: Hayden Surprise Symphony
                At Home Listening:  Beethoven Moonlight Sonata This will be about 15-17 minutes long, so be prepared for that amount of time.  There are three movements, so notate this in your notes as you are writing.  
Ideas of what to write about:
How does the music sound? 
                Is it fast, slow or does the tempo change?
                Is it all one range of sound, or are there high and low notes together?
                Is it rhythmic or smooth?  Could you dance to it?
How does the music make you feel?
                Is there one mood in the piece or does it change during the song?
                Is it happy, or sad? Describe your feeling.
What is interesting about the piece?
                Does it sound difficult? Does it sound simple?
                Is there anything compelling about the piece?
                Is it something you would want to learn one day?
What is the form of the piece?
                Does it have repeated sections?
                Can you recognize any concepts we have discussed in class in relation to piano or the period?

Essentially, write about what you hear, and how you feel about it.

All of these listening segments are due on Thursday May 2.  They should be neatly stapled together, in order, with labeling of which listening assignment is which.  All listening assignments turned in late will receive a 50% late deduction extemporaneous circumstances occur and pre-approval is granted from Mrs. Austin.

Class Syllabus and Rules

Class Description and Syllabus

East Union High School Piano Class Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Rebekka Austin
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30-8:30 and 2:35-3:00

Course Overview and Objectives
Class piano is designed to teach the concepts and fundamentals needed to perform on the piano.  Throughout the year students will increase their understanding of fundamental piano technique including the importance of posture, hand placement, keyboard orientation, and fingering.  Students will develop good practice habits and will gain a better knowledge of standard piano repertoire, improve their note-reading skills, and piano technique according to their individual piano proficiency.  Through studying the piano students will increase their comprehension of music theory, music history, and will improve their overall musicianship. Through regular performance opportunities students will gain experience in performance skills, etiquette, and critical listening skills.
I.                   Participation
Students will be given points for their daily participation.  In order to be successful in this class, students must be on time, with all of their materials, and demonstrate focused and active participation in all class activities.  The students are expected to work actively with the instructor and take an active role in their development.  Individual practice is vital to each student’s progression.  The student must be able to work independently, be focused and self motivated during his/her individual practice time.
II.                Materials
Method Book
The classroom has a full set of used method books for student use.  The instructor will assist the student with selecting the appropriate book for your level of proficiency.  These books will be the student’s resource of basic technique and repertoire as well as a great resource of reference. The books will stay in the classroom. 

Performance Pieces
Each student will be required to work with the instructor to choose an appropriate performance piece to practice throughout the semester.  This piece is intended to challenge the student and will stretch their technique and skills.  Performance pieces may be acquired in several ways:  Music from home, from the teacher’s limited library, or from online.  There are a number of websites where music can be downloaded for free.  While the instructor will work with the student to assess appropriate pieces, it is the student’s responsibility to do the research.               

Students will use digital piano workstations.  It is expected that each student will treat the school instruments with respect and do their utmost to prevent damage.  If an instrument is damaged due to student negligence, it is the student/guardian’s responsibility to pay for the repair or replacement of the instrument.
Other Daily Materials
Students will also be expected to bring:
·         Pencil (NO Pens are allowed)            
·         Spiral Notebook                     
·         ½ inch binder or folder
·         Staff paper (this may be printed for free from
·         Earphones- the class has some very old headphones but not enough for the entire class.  If a student wants to use his/her own headset, make sure that it has a quarter inch adapter or plug)

III.             Classroom Rules
As the class is highly performance based, having a safe and respectful environment is a high priority. All students are expected to maintain respect for self, their peers, teachers and all the equipment that they work with.

No food or drink will be allowed in the classroom.

All disruptions are subject to judicious discipline.
            1st offense: Verbal warning
            2nd offence: Second verbal warning, Parent Contact and possible referral or detention.
            3rd offence and above: Students are subject to further disciplinary policies as outlined in
            the East Union High School Student Handbook.

Attendance is vital to the student’s progress.  If the student is absent, they must see the instructor right away to gather any missed assignments.  If the absence is unexcused the assignment will not be able to be turned in late.

Be on time and prepared.  Tardiness will reduce participation points and result in a detention.  Habitual tardiness will result in a referral to the assistant principal.

IV.             Grading Policy

a.       Assignments and Percentages
40%-    Daily Participation
25%-    Written Assignments and Quizzes
15%-    Final Performance
At the end of the first semester students will play for their peers in a class performance.  This will give students the opportunity to practice and become acquainted with the format for the end of year recital.  The end of year recital is mandatory and will be held in the evening in room 42 at East Union on May 20-22.  (The student picks which date is most convenient.)  Parents and friends are encouraged to attend. 
10%-    Performance ‘pass off’
Students will have opportunities to demonstrate proficiency for the instructor.  They will be asked to ‘pass off’ on a technical skill or something from the repertoire.
10%-    Written Final

b.      Grading Scale
F=59% or lower

About the teacher...

Hello my name is Mrs. Austin and I teach piano here at East Union High School. It is my first year as a Lancer and I love it here.   I want to tell you a little about me but I thought I would make it a little bit fun...

1. I read a magazine from the back to the front. 

2. I love milk, cheese and ice cream, but I am lactose intolerant. 

3. I am a "People's Court" junkie. 

4. I almost died in a Florida swamp when I was a senior in high school. 

5. I am a really good roller skater. I used to work as a floor guard at a roller rink. 

6. My husband and boys love to fish, but I HATE fish. I gagged down the first fish Walker caught so he would know I was proud of his 'catch'. 

7. I am a word game nerd. I love boggle, text twist and just about any word game there is. 

8. I sing opera, but I love ROCK! I have seen Bon Jovi, The Stones, The Eagles and Aerosmith in concert. 

9. My mom and I were once kicked out of the ballet for laughing at one of the male dancers. He was horrible! 

10. I have three boys and all of my boys were born nearly 2 months premature, but still weighed nearly 7 pounds. 

11. I take a bubble bath every night. 

12. I have a weakness for Dark Chocolate. 

13. I have insomnia and lay in bed for hours every night before I finally fall asleep. 

14. I am a bookworm. I LOVE to read and can't put a book down once I start. I read the Twilight series in a week. My children suffered a little I am sure. 

15. I used to barrel race my horse when I was 12. 

16. I have been bit by a rattlesnake. 

17. I once toured London England by myself in the rain. 

18. I love hockey and am the first on my feet screaming during a fight. 

19. I used to make up commercials in the mirror when I was younger. I think some of them had potential. 

20. I love grilled onions, but won't eat them if they are crunchy or raw. 

21. I married my best friend Kevin and we have been married 12 years.

22. I have lost count of the number of times I have moved. I think it is near 50. 

23. I would love to write a book someday. 

24. My eyes are green when I cry. 

25. I have been a nun five different times on stage.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Digital Flashcards

After our lesson in Unit One on the Age of Discovery please use the following flashcards to study for our upcoming test. 

Click this link below:

Friday, August 8, 2014

Video Post to PowerPoint

I was able to insert a video from YouTube into a PowerPoint with no issue.  I used the video converter you introduced us to and it was simple.  Thank you for walking us through it, professor!

The Piano Guys

After our lesson about the parts of the piano I thought you would enjoy to see a video with the Piano Guys plucking the strings inside.  Hopefully you will enjoy!