Saturday, August 23, 2014

Class Syllabus and Rules

Class Description and Syllabus

East Union High School Piano Class Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Rebekka Austin
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30-8:30 and 2:35-3:00

Course Overview and Objectives
Class piano is designed to teach the concepts and fundamentals needed to perform on the piano.  Throughout the year students will increase their understanding of fundamental piano technique including the importance of posture, hand placement, keyboard orientation, and fingering.  Students will develop good practice habits and will gain a better knowledge of standard piano repertoire, improve their note-reading skills, and piano technique according to their individual piano proficiency.  Through studying the piano students will increase their comprehension of music theory, music history, and will improve their overall musicianship. Through regular performance opportunities students will gain experience in performance skills, etiquette, and critical listening skills.
I.                   Participation
Students will be given points for their daily participation.  In order to be successful in this class, students must be on time, with all of their materials, and demonstrate focused and active participation in all class activities.  The students are expected to work actively with the instructor and take an active role in their development.  Individual practice is vital to each student’s progression.  The student must be able to work independently, be focused and self motivated during his/her individual practice time.
II.                Materials
Method Book
The classroom has a full set of used method books for student use.  The instructor will assist the student with selecting the appropriate book for your level of proficiency.  These books will be the student’s resource of basic technique and repertoire as well as a great resource of reference. The books will stay in the classroom. 

Performance Pieces
Each student will be required to work with the instructor to choose an appropriate performance piece to practice throughout the semester.  This piece is intended to challenge the student and will stretch their technique and skills.  Performance pieces may be acquired in several ways:  Music from home, from the teacher’s limited library, or from online.  There are a number of websites where music can be downloaded for free.  While the instructor will work with the student to assess appropriate pieces, it is the student’s responsibility to do the research.               

Students will use digital piano workstations.  It is expected that each student will treat the school instruments with respect and do their utmost to prevent damage.  If an instrument is damaged due to student negligence, it is the student/guardian’s responsibility to pay for the repair or replacement of the instrument.
Other Daily Materials
Students will also be expected to bring:
·         Pencil (NO Pens are allowed)            
·         Spiral Notebook                     
·         ½ inch binder or folder
·         Staff paper (this may be printed for free from
·         Earphones- the class has some very old headphones but not enough for the entire class.  If a student wants to use his/her own headset, make sure that it has a quarter inch adapter or plug)

III.             Classroom Rules
As the class is highly performance based, having a safe and respectful environment is a high priority. All students are expected to maintain respect for self, their peers, teachers and all the equipment that they work with.

No food or drink will be allowed in the classroom.

All disruptions are subject to judicious discipline.
            1st offense: Verbal warning
            2nd offence: Second verbal warning, Parent Contact and possible referral or detention.
            3rd offence and above: Students are subject to further disciplinary policies as outlined in
            the East Union High School Student Handbook.

Attendance is vital to the student’s progress.  If the student is absent, they must see the instructor right away to gather any missed assignments.  If the absence is unexcused the assignment will not be able to be turned in late.

Be on time and prepared.  Tardiness will reduce participation points and result in a detention.  Habitual tardiness will result in a referral to the assistant principal.

IV.             Grading Policy

a.       Assignments and Percentages
40%-    Daily Participation
25%-    Written Assignments and Quizzes
15%-    Final Performance
At the end of the first semester students will play for their peers in a class performance.  This will give students the opportunity to practice and become acquainted with the format for the end of year recital.  The end of year recital is mandatory and will be held in the evening in room 42 at East Union on May 20-22.  (The student picks which date is most convenient.)  Parents and friends are encouraged to attend. 
10%-    Performance ‘pass off’
Students will have opportunities to demonstrate proficiency for the instructor.  They will be asked to ‘pass off’ on a technical skill or something from the repertoire.
10%-    Written Final

b.      Grading Scale
F=59% or lower

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